Personal Notes


Below are some personal notes. The main purpose of these are to record some useful infromation and make easy for personal review.
[ICO]File NameLast modifiedSizeDescription

[   ]PSIMU Jacobian notesAug-2022 139K----- Notes for the derivation of DNN-based Pseudo-IMU Jacobian
[   ]IMU motion modelJune-2022 ----- Derivation of IMU motion model
[   ]Side_Note_Perturb_Rot.pdf03-June-2022 185K----- Side Note: Perturbation scheme on SO(3) rotation
[   ]DirectMethod_Derivation.pdfMay-2022 24.1M----- Notes for the derivation of direct method (VO) (code)
[   ]PoseGraph_Notes.pdf10-May-2022 15.1M----- Notes for the sphere problem (pose graph) (code)
[   ]Lie_3D_manual.pdf09-May-2022 139K----- Notes for usage of 3D Lie group utility functions (code)
[   ]VO_report.pdf30-Dec-2019 2.6M----- Stereo visual odometry project report on Kitti dataset (contact for code)

[   ]VGMM_DataUncertainty.pdf30-Nov-2022 20.9M----- Derivation of variational Gaussian mixture model with data uncertainty
[   ]DEMO_FakeFace_Notebook03-Oct-2022 2.5M----- Synthetic human face generation demo - Jupyter Notebook (Glow)
[   ]DEMO_FakeFace_Model10-Nov-2021 5.7G----- Synthetic human face generation demo - trained model (Glow)
[   ]StanfordCS229_DocsMar-2021 ----- Worked Stanford CS229 machine learning problems (contact for code)

[   ]Notebook_ssh_remote.pdf20-Sept-2022110K-----Remote access to run Jupyter Notebook via ssh w/o port forwarding

This page is maintained by M.T.